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Posted on Jan 7, 2015 in News | 0 comments

Using a “selfie” as a medical screening tool: Eyenaemia

A company founded by two medical students at Monash University in Melbourne have found an interesting use of taking a photograph of yourself, which is otherwise colloquially known as a ‘selfie’. The team used the data from the image to analyse the conjunctiva of the subject via an app and compare against a database to assess the risk of anaemia.

The team hopes that their solution will help in the diagnosis and treatment of the 2 billion people in the world that suffer from anaemia.

Their ingenious application of this modern trend has caught the attention of many people, including that of Bill Gates, who recently wrote about the project on his blog. The pair have also won numerous awards for their innovation.

So the next time you are at your medical clinic, you may have to take a selfie for medical reasons!
