Volume 1, Issue 4S
The Editorial Board at the Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine is proud to present Volume 1, Issue 4S, published in December 2012. As media partners of the mHealth Summit 2012, Journal MTM is proud to present a special edition of the Journal presenting all the conference abstracts. We look forward to your article submissions.
Volume 1, Issue 4S Contents
Mia Van Der Kop, David Ojakaa,Lennie Bazira, Lehana Thabane, Lilian Mbau, Helen Gakuruh Koki Kinagwi, Edward Mills, Carlo Marra, Richard Lester
Mobile Technology As A Promising Tool For Health Research In The Social Sciences
Marcos Reyes-Estrada, Marinilda Rivera-Diaz,NelsonVaras-Diaz
BreathEasy: A Smartphone App to Manage Asthma in an Underserved Population
BarbaraL Massoudi, StephenRothemich
Universal Depresion Prevention via Mobile Phones
R.Whittaker, S.Merry, K.Stasiak, H.Mc-Dowell, I.Doherty, M.Shepherd, E.Dorey, S.Ameratunga, A.Rodgers
Efficacy of IVR-Based Brief Intervention for Alcohol Problems
GailL. Rose
IN Touch: impact of and lessons learned from an mHealth intervention for overweight and obese youth
Katherine Kim, Christina Sabee, Holly Logan
Nancy K Latham, TerryEllis, Tamara De Angelis, Katy Hendron, CathiA Thomas, MarieSaint-Hilaire, Timothy Bickmore
A Tablet Game for Risk Reduction and HIV Prevention in Adolescents
Kimberly Hieftje, Lindsay Duncan, Benjamin Sawyer, Sabrina Haskell, Lynn Fiellin
Wrist-based accelerometers successfully differentiate walking from other activities
AmyPapadopoulos, Nicolas Vivaldi, Christine Silvers
LynnCarol Miller, Paul Robert Appleby, AlexandraN Anderson, StephenJ Read, John L Christensen, StacyMarsella
NightWatch 2.0: The Role of Mobile Phones in Malaria BCC
Hannah Bowen
Using Mobile Technology to Promote Healthy Behaviors in Teens
Misbah Mohammed, Meghan Searl, Khinlei Myint-U, Joseph Kvedar, Kamal Jethwani
Victoria Owen, Lauren Pascarellal, Linda Herbert, Fran Cogen, Randi Streisand
Randi Streisand, Linda Herbert, Victoria Owen, Maureen Monaghan
Use of Booster Calls in a Behavioral Intervention for Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
Rachel Sweenie, Linda Herbert, Eleanor Macky, Clarissa Holmes, Randi Streisand
mHealth: An Effective Education Channel for Hard-to-Reach Ethnic Minority Populations in Vietnam
Le NgocHue, LuongChi Thanh, Tonvan der Velden, Le NgocBao, MarionMcNabb
Shelly Tseng, Jannat-Khan Hager
Tailored SMS Messaging to Increase Exercise in Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Pilot Study
Karen Basen-Engquist, Melissa Karlsten
A Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) approach to Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) for mobile devices
Michael Bass, Maria Varela Diaz
Electronic Decision Support for Cardiovascular High-Risk Patients Management in Tibet, China
MaoyiTian, JiakeChen, LiqunXu, HaoChen, RuilaiLi, KaWingCho, YangfendWu, LijingL Yan
Twitter + Health: The psychosocial impact of short-form text-based messages on wellbeing
Lauren Wagner
Sarah Iribarren, Christina Chirico, Mirta Echevarrria, Daniel Cardinali
Improving health awareness through mobile based health messages in Bangladesh
Mafruha Alam, Ananya Raihan, Atik Ahsan
Alain B. Labrique, Shegufta S. Sikder, Sucheta Mehara, LeeWu, Rezwanul Huq, Hasmot Ali, Parul Christian, Keith West
The Effects of amHealth Intervention on Asthma Symptom Control in Inner-City Teens
Lola Awoyinka
Raymond Francis R. Samiento, Fang Liu, Paul Fontelo
Lorraine Buis, Loren Schwiebert, Nancy Artinian, Hossein Yarandi, Lindsey Hirzel
Richard Garfein, Kelly Collins, Fatima Munoz, Kathleen Moser, Paris Cerecer-Callu, Mark Sullivan, Ganz Chokalingam, Phillip Rios, Maria Luisa Zuniga, Jose Luis Burgos, Timothy Rodwell, Maria Gudelia Rangel, Kevin Patrick
Effect of Home Blood Glucose Telemonitoring with Self-Care Support on Glycemic Control in Pregnancy
AG Lagain, DS Feig, R Fung, I Bahinskaya, D Ng, P Picton, JA Cafazzo
Satisfying Clinical Research Guidance and Regulations for mHealth Technologies
Christopher Whalen
Smartphone-delivered mobile HIV Risk Reduction Education in Opioid Dependent Individuals
Karran APhillips, David HEpstein, Jia-LingLin, Mustapha Mezghanni, MassoudVahabzadeh, Kenzie L Preston
Evaluation of a Mobile Diabetes Self-Management Platform: A Pilot Case Study with Pediatric Users
T. Tran, K. Rudolph, PORBETA, S. Jaladi, S. Kumar, S. Kim, R. Padman
Tailored Rapid Interactive Mobile Messaging (TRIMM) for Weight Management Among Underserved Adults
Michael K. Lin, Lawrence J.Cheskin
Trevorvan Mierlo
Using social networking technologies for mixed methods HIV prevention research
Sean D Young, Devan Jaganath
Are We Sure That Mobile Health Is Really Mobile?
Brie Turner-McGrievy, Deborah Tate
Elizabeth Burner, Sanjay Arora, Elena Taylor, Michael Menchine
Terry Olson
Seneca Perri, Bethany Hedt, Thomas Routen, AmaniShao, ClotildeRambaud-Althaus, NdeniriaSwai, Marc Mitchell
Momin Kazi, Shariq Khoja, Murtaza Ali, Asad Ali
Use of SMS text for Maternal and Child Health Surveillance in resource constrain setting
Momin Kazi, Murtaza Ali, Anita Zaidi
We look forward to hearing from readers in the comments section, and encourage authors to submit research to be considered for publication in this peer-reviewed medical journal.
Yours Sincerely,
Editorial Board
Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine