Editorial Policy
The Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine (jMTM) is committed to the publication of advances in the application of mobile-based technology across the whole range of medical sub-specialties and globally. Clearly the requirements of clinicians vary within different settings and in different countries. This is an essential principle that underlies the future planning of the journal and guides the editorial board and reviewers in making their judgements on whether papers submitted to Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine should be accepted or rejected.
Our policy is to provide a broad mix of articles that will be of professional and educational value to specialist, visual scientists and trainees. Our priorities are to:
- Publish up-to-date advances on technology relevant to diagnosis, management and pathogenesis of acute and chronic disease.
- Publish articles with high scientific rigour.a
- Publish articles that are of educational importance.
- Publish articles that have translational potential to integrate into clinical practice.
- Ensure that a fair, independent peer review system is in place.
- Adhere to the highest ethical standards concerning research conduct
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are screened by the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts are immediately rejected if they do not follow the Author Guidelines, are not in line with the aims of the Journal, or are well short of the standard required for publication. Admissible manuscripts are then referred to the relevant Specialty Editor and, when appropriate, submitted to peer review. The Editors make recommendations about suitability for publication. Final decisions about publication are made by the Editor-in-Chief. At jMTM we aim to provide notification to the corresponding author of publication status within 3 weeks from date of submission.
Simultaneous admissions
The Journal does not consider manuscripts that are simultaneously being considered by other journals. Any attempt at dual publication will lead to automatic rejection, may prejudice acceptance of future submissions.
Revising manuscripts
If you have been requested to prepare a revised version of your manuscript, log on to ScholarOne Manuscripts at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ans, and click on the ‘Author Centre’ where you will find your manuscript in the ‘Manuscripts Awaiting Revision’ section. Clicking on the ‘create a revision’ link in the ‘Actions’ column will create a draft of the revision in the ‘Revised Manuscripts in Draft’ section of your Author Centre.
Authors are required to supply a detailed point-by-point response to each of the comments. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in rejection of the manuscript.
Use red text to indicate the revised sections and ensure that the revised manuscript text is labelled ‘R1’. Upload the revised file(s) and your figures (follow the instructions at the top of each screen). Remember to upload all documentation relevant to your manuscript, including figures.
Work submitted must follow relevant ethical principals and guidelines. Important ethical standards are highlighted in ‘Best Practice Guidelines on Publication Ethics: A Publisher’s Perspective’ at http://www.wiley.com/bw/publicationethics/. Authors are responsible for ensuring that all material submitted for publication complies with required ethics principals. No manuscript will be accepted for publication unless it conforms to the ethical guidelines that are currently accepted in Australia and New Zealand. It is the author’s responsibility to demonstrate beyond doubt that research has been performed in an ethical manner. If there is any doubt about the ethical standards of a study, the manuscript will not be accepted for publication. It is the responsibility upon the author to ensure that their manuscript conforms with rules and regulations of their affiliated research institution if appropriate.
Human ethics
All studies involving humans, or human tissue, must have approval from a human ethics committee. The responsible ethics committee must be compliant with accepted standards such as the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki in 1975 (revised in 2004), available at http://www.wma.net. This approval must be declared in the Methods section of the paper with inclusion of the name of the committee. In addition, patient anonymity must be preserved at all times. The Journal will not publish pictures that identify patients unless the authors submit evidence of written consent from the patient or a legal guardian.
Animal ethics
Animal experiments must have approval from an animal ethics committee that complies with the prevailing standards in Australia and New Zealand. This approval must be declared in the Methods section of the paper, with inclusion of the name of the committee or relevant body.
Use of copyright material
Authors must submit written permission from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) to use direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared elsewhere in copyrighted form. Any permission fees paid to copyright owner are the responsibility of the authors using the borrowed material. In the manuscript, authors must declare complete details about the source of all copyright material.
Contributorship policy
An author is someone who has made a substantial intellectual contribution to the study. The Editors believe that those with a peripheral association with the work should simply be acknowledged. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. Identify who is responsible for the integrity of the work as a whole. i.e., the main author. If a paper has more than five authors, the inclusion of each name must be justified in the covering letter. Results of multicentre studies may be reported under the name of the organizing group.
Conflict of interest
Authors must also declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest. They must acknowledge the source of financial grants and other funding, including a frank declaration of the authors’ industrial links and affiliations. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.